
Meat-free Recipes

If you don't feel like spending more than half an hour in the kitchen, here are some easy, fast, delicious snacks. 

Cucumber Boats 


Chickpea "Tuna" Sandwich 

Serving Size: 2 

Dry Ingredients: 

Wet Ingredients: 

First, pour out liquid from chickpeas. Instead of pouring it down the drain, you can keep it to make aquafaba for a different recipe. Put all the chickpeas in a medium-sized bowl and mash with a fork until it's soft. How much you want to mash is up to you and how you like the texture. If you want to include eggs, you can boil them and add them for the next step. If not, let's jump ahead! 

Vegetarian Korean Egg Sandwich (vegan recipe below) 


Vegan Korean Egg Sandwich
